Schlagwort: Arctic

Hanna Michel

Arctic Foxes in Greenland’s Evighedsfjord // Polarfüchse im Evighedsfjord in Grönland

EN: One of the Arctic’s most popular inhabitants is the Arctic fox (sometimes also called white fox, polar fox, or snow fox). These furry predators occur on islands and continents throughout the Arctic and have even been sighted on sea ice close to the North Pole! The beautiful Evighedsfjord (eternity fjord) in West Greenland offers…

Arctic Tern Attack! // Angriff der Küstenseeschwalbe!

EN: Arctic terns have a reputation. They are beautiful, elegant birds which can turn into the devil during the breeding season. 😉 Arctic terns are famous for undergoing the longest migration in the animal kingdom. They spend the summer time in the Northern hemisphere in their breeding grounds in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. Subsequently, they…

First Polar Bear Sighting Of The Season! // Erste Eisbär-Sichtung der Saison!

EN: After arriving in the waters of Svalbard and sailing along the impressive mountainous landscape towards our first destination for a while, one of my eagle-eyed colleagues spotted a Polar bear from the outside deck of our vessel. That’s the one on the first picture on the left (blue circle). You’re not impressed? Well, due…