Schlagwort: Svalbard

Hanna Michel

Finally: Walruses in Svalbard // Endlich: Walrosse auf Spitzbergen

EN: What a beautiful day in Svalbard – calm seas, blue skies with sunshine, and a group of walruses! We were lucky to see a group of 35-45 walruses resting on the beach, lifting their heads to have a look around, scratching or trying to find a more comfortable position. This group consisted mostly of…

First Polar Bear Sighting Of The Season! // Erste Eisbär-Sichtung der Saison!

EN: After arriving in the waters of Svalbard and sailing along the impressive mountainous landscape towards our first destination for a while, one of my eagle-eyed colleagues spotted a Polar bear from the outside deck of our vessel. That’s the one on the first picture on the left (blue circle). You’re not impressed? Well, due…