Wildlife Biologist, Science Communicator, Guide, Lecturer

Hanna Michel

How not to support the Antarctic krill fishing industry // Keine Unterstützung für die Krill-Fischerei in der Antarktis

Fishing trawlers are directly competing with whales, seals, and penguins in Antarctica for krill – the (pretty much) only food source for inhabitants of the White continent and its surrounding waters. Antarctic Krill is the keystone species in the Antarctic ecosystem. Every species depends on it, either directly or indirectly. Antarctica does not belong to…

Antarktis-Vortrag: ein toller Abend im Museum am Schölerberg!

DE: Vielen Dank an das Museum am Schölerberg Osnabrück für die Ausrichtung eines tollen Abends! Mit fast 150 Besuchern war das Interesse noch größer als erhofft. Auf jeden Fall wiederholenswert! EN: Many thanks to the Museum am Schölerberg Osnabrück for hosting a great evening! With almost 150 visitors, the interest was even greater than expected.…

New Article Online – the Hidden Virtuosos of Antarctica: Seals!

Did you know that the icy waters of the Southern Ocean are alive with song? My latest article for WhaleScientists dives into the incredible vocalizations of Antarctic seals—and trust me, their talent rivals even the famous humpback whale songs that captivated the world in the 1970s. As I prepare for another journey to Antarctica, I’ve…

Nächster Vortag im Dezember: 🌍 Einladung zum Abenteuer Antarktis! ❄️🐧 // Lecture in December

Ich freue mich, euch zur nächsten Gelegenheit einzuladen, bei einem meiner Vorträge dabei zu sein – und diesmal geht es um mein Herzensthema: Die Antarktis: Meine Reisen zur Tierwelt im ewigen Eis! Kommt mit auf eine faszinierende Reise zu den Pinguinen, Robben und anderen Bewohnern der Antarktis. Freut euch auf spannende Geschichten und Eindrücke aus…

„Nachts im Museum“ – Vortrag im Naturkundemuseum Münster am 26. Oktober

🌟 Achtung, Werbung in eigener Sache 🌟 Am 26. Oktober habe ich die Ehre, bei der Veranstaltung „Nachts im Museum“ im LWL-Naturkundemuseum und Planetarium in Münster dabei zu sein. 🏛️✨ In meinem Vortrag geht es um ein faszinierendes Thema: Unsere Beziehung zu Walen – und wie sich diese über Jahrtausende entwickelt und verändert hat. 🐋…

Arctic Foxes in Greenland’s Evighedsfjord // Polarfüchse im Evighedsfjord in Grönland

EN: One of the Arctic’s most popular inhabitants is the Arctic fox (sometimes also called white fox, polar fox, or snow fox). These furry predators occur on islands and continents throughout the Arctic and have even been sighted on sea ice close to the North Pole! The beautiful Evighedsfjord (eternity fjord) in West Greenland offers…

Greenland – first impressions // Grönland – erste Eindrücke

EN: After exploring Greenland in the East, South and West, we have experienced a great mix of nature and culture. From visiting the larger towns Nuuk, Sisimiut, and Illulisat, to lesser known but not less charming villages and hikes and zodiac cruises in the complete wilderness, Greenland has a lot to offer. More on Wildlife…

Arctic Tern Attack! // Angriff der Küstenseeschwalbe!

EN: Arctic terns have a reputation. They are beautiful, elegant birds which can turn into the devil during the breeding season. 😉 Arctic terns are famous for undergoing the longest migration in the animal kingdom. They spend the summer time in the Northern hemisphere in their breeding grounds in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. Subsequently, they…

Finally: Walruses in Svalbard // Endlich: Walrosse auf Spitzbergen

EN: What a beautiful day in Svalbard – calm seas, blue skies with sunshine, and a group of walruses! We were lucky to see a group of 35-45 walruses resting on the beach, lifting their heads to have a look around, scratching or trying to find a more comfortable position. This group consisted mostly of…

First Polar Bear Sighting Of The Season! // Erste Eisbär-Sichtung der Saison!

EN: After arriving in the waters of Svalbard and sailing along the impressive mountainous landscape towards our first destination for a while, one of my eagle-eyed colleagues spotted a Polar bear from the outside deck of our vessel. That’s the one on the first picture on the left (blue circle). You’re not impressed? Well, due…