Kategorie: Environmental Protection

Hanna Michel

How not to support the Antarctic krill fishing industry // Keine Unterstützung für die Krill-Fischerei in der Antarktis

Fishing trawlers are directly competing with whales, seals, and penguins in Antarctica for krill – the (pretty much) only food source for inhabitants of the White continent and its surrounding waters. Antarctic Krill is the keystone species in the Antarctic ecosystem. Every species depends on it, either directly or indirectly. Antarctica does not belong to…

Antarktis-Vortrag in Mettingen im Oktober // Upcoming lecture about Antarctica in my home town

Am 19.10. um 18 Uhr seid ihr herzlich zu meinem Vortrag über die Antarktis und ihre Tierwelt und mehr bei Draiflessen in Mettingen eingeladen. Mehr Infos gibts hier.

Wildlife in your own garden // Unsere Tierwelt im heimischen Garten

Not very exotic but not less fascinating and extremely important: our local wildlife. Very often we appreciate those things the least that we have right under our nose: Bees, bugs, butterflies, spiders & co. However, they are extremely important for us – for example as pollinators. Yet, they are not doing very well. Pesticides, habitat…

Less than one week away from Antarctica! // Weniger als eine Woche bis zur Antarktis!

EN: The vast majority of Antarctic cruise operators are members of IAATO, the International Association Of Antarctic Tour Operators. All staff working on these expedition cruises have to pass the IAATO online assessment each season to demonstrate that we are familiar with regulations within the Antarctica Treaty as well as IAATO’s guidelines. After pretty much…