Schlagwort: Climate Change

Hanna Michel

Wildlife in your own garden // Unsere Tierwelt im heimischen Garten

Not very exotic but not less fascinating and extremely important: our local wildlife. Very often we appreciate those things the least that we have right under our nose: Bees, bugs, butterflies, spiders & co. However, they are extremely important for us – for example as pollinators. Yet, they are not doing very well. Pesticides, habitat…

Get to know the Adélie penguin! // Darf ich vorstellen: der Adeliepinguin!

The first little guy I would like to introduce you to is the one I have chosen as the “header” of the website: The Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae. Like all penguins, Adélies are flightless birds that are perfectly adapted to life at sea. Over millions of years their wings have become flipper-like and allow them…