Schlagwort: humpback whales

Hanna Michel

Wildlife of Australia’s Kimberley // Die Tierwelt von Australien’s Kimberley-Region

This summer, it was time for a change! Instead of working in the Polar Regions, I went to Australia (i. e. in the southern winter). The Kimberley region on the continent’s Northwest was one of the earliest settled parts but is still among the most remote wilderness areas on the planet. Let me show you…

Cultures in whale and dolphin societies? // Haben Wale und Delfine Kulturen?

In this article for Special Tours Iceland, I am focusing on what we have learned about the cultural lives of whales and dolphins. The better we study these animals, the more we realize that they are not that different from us. There are amazing examples of ingenious ideas of how to catch food and other…

Happy end for Humpback whale „Nettie“ // Happy end für Buckelwal „Nettie“

On 31 July 2015, a Humpback whale we had never seen before was sighted on one of the Whale watching tours in Faxaflói, the bay off the coast of Reykjavík. As we carefully approached the animal, our hearts dived: The whale was severely entangled in fishing gear. Some fishing lines were wrapped around its entire…